Indiana Air Search and Rescue

"Operation Hammie", VFW Sullivan Indiana

IASAR is truly honored and blessed to have been part of a restoration project called "Operation Hammie". VFW POST 2459, located in Sullivan, Indiana, needed assistance in restoring Hammie, a Huey helicopter, to his shining glory. Below are images documenting the beginning journey from Sullivan, Indiana, back home to the Eagles Nest to commence "Operation Hammie".

The images below, showcase the condition of Hammie, once brought back to the Eagles Nest for restoration. Let's just say he was in pretty bad shape. With a lot of helping hands and hard work from IASAR members, we were able to bring this beauty back to life! Scroll through the images below to view the documentation of Hammies' journey, from the beginning processes of repairing damages, painting and detailing, to the final restored work of art.

Hammie is finally complete!! Now it's time to return home to Sullivan, Indiana, where he can proudly be placed and seen on his perch. The images below capture Hammie's journey home, which was a perfect time to reflect on the whole project and expedition. 

Sullivan VFW Post 2459 Huey back home and fully restored. 

Sullivan VFW Post 2459 Huey back home and fully restored.